MRI Scanning
Best MRI Scanning Services in Thrissur
Welcome to Vita Diagnostics Thrissur, your premier destination for advanced MRI scanning services. Our state-of-the-art 1.5T MRI scanner, the Signa HDxt 28, offers unparalleled diagnostic capabilities with its homogeneous 1.5T magnet. This advanced technology allows for precise imaging across a wide range of medical conditions, ensuring that you receive the most accurate and reliable results.
MRI Routine Studies
Our MRI routine studies cover a comprehensive range of diagnostic needs, including:
- Brain, Orbit, Neck, Thorax, Abdomen (Upper & Lower), Pelvis, Whole Body Screening: Our advanced MRI technology provides detailed images for accurate diagnosis.
- Spine Studies: Cervical, Dorsal, Lumbar, Sacral, and Whole Spine Screening to diagnose and monitor spinal conditions.
- Extremities and Joints: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hip, Knee, Ankle, and other joints to assess musculoskeletal issues.
MRI Special Studies
Our MRI special studies offer sophisticated imaging solutions, including:
- Spectroscopy: Detailed chemical analysis of tissues.
- Diffusion Tensor Imaging (Fiber Tractography): Mapping neural pathways in the brain.
- Diffusion Weighted Imaging: Detecting acute ischemia and other pathologies.
- Magnetization Transfer Contrast: Enhancing contrast in imaging.
- Epilepsy Imaging: Detailed imaging for epilepsy diagnosis and management.
- CSF Rhinorrhea Protocol: Identifying cerebrospinal fluid leaks.
- Pituitary Dynamic MR: Imaging the pituitary gland.
- Cochlear Imaging: Detailed imaging of the inner ear.
- MR Urography: Imaging the urinary tract.
- 3D-MRCP: Imaging the biliary and pancreatic ducts.
- Fetal MRI: Detailed imaging of the fetus.
- Whole Body Screening: Comprehensive screening for early detection of diseases.
MR Angiography
Our MR angiography services provide detailed images of blood vessels, including:
- Circle of Willis, Carotids, Aortogram, Arch of Aorta to Circle of Willis, Renal Arteries, Peripheral, MR Venography: Detailed vascular imaging for accurate diagnosis.
Contact Us
For more information or to schedule an appointment for MRI scanning services, please contact our Thrissur branch: